Sara Tangdall
Responsible AI Product DirectorSalesforce
Sara Tangdall is a Responsible AI and Tech Product Director at Salesforce where she conducts ethics reviews of generative AI technology before launch to enterprise customers. Prior to joining Salesforce, Sara worked at Google for five years and was a founding member of their Responsible Innovation team where she helped create AI governance as a field of work. Her expertise focuses on AI governance and ethical analyses of advanced technology. She’s reviewed hundreds of products ranging from affective technology, to ambient computing, to computer vision, etc. across several sectors including health and wellness, government, environmental sustainability, consumer products, etc. Sara was the ethics reviewer for several of Google’s flagship generative AI launches, focusing on issues of bias, transparency, explainability, hallucination, and toxic content. Before moving into tech, Sara previously worked at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University and other various nonprofits. Sara studied theater and English in college and graduate school and is originally from Omaha, Nebraska. She currently lives in Portland, OR.